Half Bushel Bag (old 20 pound bag)Number of apples: 40-50
Admits 6 people into the orchard
$ credit card - $ cash
We offer Apple & Pumpkin Picking Only.
2024 UPick Apple & Pumpkin is now closed for the season.
Thank you for another great season at the UPick. See you next year on Labor Day Weekend!!
Want to pick up your favorite cookies or muffins?!?! Order them ahead by emailing: upick@milk-pail.com or place an order at www.milkpailfreshmarket.com
Reservations are not required.
One size bag available: 20 pounds (1/2 bushel) admits up to 6 people (age 3 and up) into the orchard. $ (cash) or $ (credit). The apples are the freshest you will ever taste. We have varieties you will not find at any other orchard on the Island. Apples will store up to one month in a cool place or the refridgerator. Enjoy!
All photo shoots need prior authorization. Thank you.
Bring your family and friends to enjoy a day on our u-pick farm in the Hamptons at 50 Horsemill Lane, Watermill. Pick your own apples from our trees and pumpkins from the vine. We grow over twenty apple varieties throughout the months of September and October. Our dwarf apples trees are the perfect height for all ages. Select your own great Halloween pumpkins from our patch filled with all sizes, shapes and colors. We grow pumpkins from Minis to 150 pounds plus! We have over 60 different varieties of pumpkins, squash and gourds all grown on site. We also serve coffee, hot cider and other treats from our Fresh Market.
We are open Friday, Saturday and Sunday ( Starting Saturday of Labor Day Weekend ) from 10am to 5:30pm throughout September and October. Check the top of this page for important announcements, closures, extensions and apple varieties available for picking.
We only offer apples, pumpkins and squash we grow and YES, you do pick the apples from our trees! Believe it or not, that's been a popular question lately because, apparently, other places don’t actually grow all their stock or let you pick from the tress. We sometimes have varieties that fall off the branch earlier then others and have them available in baskets if you prefer that variety but that’s pretty much the exception at the Milk Pail U-Pick.
Pick your own Apples, Pumpkins, Gourds & Squash
Admission to the u-pick area for up to 6 people is free with the purchase of our half bushel bag which holds about 20 lbs. of apples. Take your time and load our half-bushel bag with any available apple varieties. Some varieties may not be available for picking, check the top of the page and postings at the field for availability.
Admission to the u-pick area is only granted by purchasing a bag for picking. We do not sell by the pound or have smaller bags for picking. Additional half bushel bags are available for the same price. Pre-filled apple bags of all sizes, Milk Pail products , and refreshments are available at the stand outside of the u-pick area.
Half Bushel Bag (old 20 pound bag)Number of apples: 40-50
Admits 6 people into the orchard
$ credit card - $ cash
We offer Apple & Pumpkin Picking Only.
It's Simple!
1. Park for free inside our fenced in area.
2. Purchase your bag at the farm stand.
3. Check signs for rules and availability.
4. Follow row signs for available varieties.
5. Fill your bag!
Free Parking
MasterCard and Visa Accepted
Mix and Match Available Varieties.
Due to new Food Safety regulations Dogs or other pets are not allowed on the farm.
Peaches & blueberries not available for U-Pick.
Check IMPORTANT ANNOUNCEMENTS at the top of this page for weather related closures before setting out.
The pumpkin patches and apple orchards are in the same area so the general info is the same as the apple picking except pumpkins, gourds and squash are sold by the piece.
Bring your school class, Girl & Boy Scouts or group for an educational tour of the apple orchard and pumpkin patch. Each student can then pick 5 apples and a pumpkin of their own plus a wagon tour of the farm is available.
- 5 Apples - 6.00
- 1 Pumpkin - 4.00
- Farm Tour per Student - $6.00
Farm Wagon Tours are available during the U-pick season.
Season: Open Labor Day Weekend until about end of October.
Regular Hours: Friday, Saturday and Sunday from 10am to 5:30pm
Location: 50 Horsemill Lane, Water Mill MAP
Located at 50 Horsemill Lane, Water Mill, NY. Take Mecox Road to Horsemill Lane. Our Orchards and Fields are on the RIGHT (inside the fence).